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Invest your money on the go
Experience the new way of investing through our Smart Featured App enable with transaction capability. You can track the performance of your investments in real time and you will also get to know the daily change in your investments.
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  • You can make a plan for your investment
  • You can track your portfolio on the go
  • You can make purchase and redemption through in app
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How to get started?
Start your investment by following some easy and hassle-free steps.
It’s very simple and free process.
Select right scheme

Select the right scheme
that suits your requirements

Create scheme cart

Create scheme basket
for quick investments

Approve and invest online

Invest through the online portal
and track your investments.

Awesome People...
Very professional and reliable from beginning to end. This company is clearly out to make a difference to the level of service offered to customers.
By Aditya Singh
Hardworking People...
Great help discussing all of mine and my families protection needs giving us help in investment.
By Manoj Srivastava
Awesome Services...
Efficient transaction process in a simple manner that could reach out to us. We have hence invested through them recently with confidence.
By Arun
Reason to invest with us

We use the API of India's best and fast transaction platform
which is duly authorised for Mutual Fund transactions.

Verified by verisign
No money can be moved
Password Encryption
Bank level security
Contact Information
Prem Shanker Dutta
Registered Address
585, Salempur Chapra, Saran-841301, Bihar
Phone : +91 98356 97299
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Let's Start Investing through us!
AMFI Registration No. 142404
EUIN Holder Name: Prem Shanker Dutta
EUIN No. E243568

We are a AMFI ( Association of Mutual Fund in India) registered MF Distributor vide ARN : 142404. We provide investment services to our clients, incidental to our primary activity.You can check the list of all mutual funds where we are acting as a distributor – fundlist.

We do not charge any advisory fees or transaction fees – directly or indirectly, because we earn commission from the funds which we distribute. You can check the commission disclosure sheet here at Commission Disclosure. Although we take our best attempt to ensure the suitability of the product being sold to you, but the same may not always be in the best of your interest.